

Are you a loser? Do you lose your stuff or worse, other people’s stuff?! Have you lost your mind looking for the keys that you JUST put down and now they’re occupying a timeshare somewhere in the Matrix? You are not alone. Promise.

Packages can be customized by adding any of my special service offerings.

“Help Me!” Mess:

Does your home have a room you just don’t look in anymore? A closet that you’re afraid to open? An office with highlighters falling out of the ceiling? Is it basically to the point where you’re thinking of just moving instead of dealing with it? 

I’m here. This is what I do. You’re safe now. I’ll come to your home and conduct a 30 minute onsite consultation to assess your mess. We’ll discuss all matters of what’s happening, what isn’t happening, and what needs to happen. When we book your session(s), I’ll make a game plan full of hows, whens, and whats to keep us moving efficiently through our organizing days. You’ll work right along side of me and my Tool Kit, learning different ways to look at your space while creating homes for your belongings. Voilà!

Base rate $75/hr

“Fix it!” Mess:

You have the mess, but don’t have the room in your schedule to deal with it. Whose got the time?! I do. While you may be needing to spend time in the C-Suite, studio, school, or on a much-deserved vacation, I can come in, work solo, and take care of reorganizing your space so you don’t have to think about it anymore.

I can even come back and help reshape and maintain, if things get a little unruly after a while. Who says YOU have to do it all? This is what I’m here for.

Base rate $100/hr

Extra! Extra! Add-ons:

Who doesn’t like to splurge and own their extra-ness sometimes? I know I’m not alone on this one. When it comes to things that are truly important like your time, I try to highlight and prioritize so you can get back to NOT stressing about organizing…that’s my job. Here are some featured add-ons to help customize your sessions and heap more of the work in my direction. It’s okay. I enjoy it.

Scavenger Hunt- Most of the time you’ll find the reason things look so neat and tidy is because they reside in their home of a bin, shelf, tub, container, etc. Sometimes we can repurpose items you already own. Other times you’ll have to pony up for a couple of new containers, but buying new/matching components can be cathartic! To help with this process, I’ll give you a list of recommended items for project completion or redesign finishing touches and you get to choose whatever you want from wherever you want. The world/wide web is your oyster! $25

Look-See Links- This one takes the Scavenger Hunt to the next level. I’ll compile the list of recommended items after our session/s, but now it’ll come with attached website links (usually at least two options of varying price points and adhering to precise spatial measurements) that will make purchasing the pieces no more difficult than clicking your mouse a few times! I’ll do the research, you do the buying. $50/hr

 Concierge- This service harkens back to my days as a personal shopper. It’s the ultimate in hands-off luxury. With your design style in mind, I’ll find and purchase all the items necessary to fulfill your vision. With your input of must-haves and no-ways, I’ll search high and low until I find exactly the right element to fit your space. Cherry on top? I’ll do the installation as well. $75/hr

Move Mgmt:

Moving can be stressful. So I want to help turn Moving Day into Moving YAY! Having professionals help you move is such a game-changer. Gone are the days of offering your pals a six pack and a burrito to help you move out of your dorm room and ending up totally drained with a broken TV and spirit. Time to bring in the pros to facilitate a seamless transition from one home to the next.

This service is offered with pre- and post-move options. Whether you’re working with a logistics company or tackling it as a DIY, Mess Mgmt can organize your household pre-boxing and/or unpack once you’ve reached your new destination. Imagine treating yourself to a relaxing weekend away after an exhausting move, only to come home and find your new space fully stocked with all your belongings placed thoughtfully throughout? I can help with that.

Base rate $75/hr

Beyond the Mess:

There are so many fun things we can do with your space whether big or small! I can help create a customized Home Chef Kitchen, Backyard Getaway, Showroom Closet, Bathroom Spa Retreat, Adventurer’s Garage, Entertainer’s Dream Bar, and the list goes on. And what about any ideas you might have for your square footage? Tell me and we’ll figure out the best way to achieve your vision.

Pricing varies. Inquire during consultation.