Asked & Answered.

How long will my project take?

It depends! We’ll start with an onsite consultation, which will give you a solid estimated timeframe for the project and if you choose to book we’ll schedule the session(s) for a later date. Each 3 hour session will include project goals, hands-on organizing and system implementation, and an end of session summary. If the project cannot be finished in the estimated time frame (due to a multitude of reasons because…life), we can book more sessions for a later date, during our Relax & Review chat. Can’t remember the rates? They’re listed in Services.

Why only 3 hour session blocks? Why not pedal to the metal 8 hour sessions?

I want everyone to be able to focus on the task at hand and more than 3 hours can lead to distraction, decision fatigue, and becoming overwhelmed with the scope of work that lies ahead. Bigger projects get broken down across multiple time blocks to ensure quality and attention to detail. For a look at why I operate this way (and others), check out my About page.

Do you offer ongoing organizing maintenance sessions?

Absolutely. They’re scheduled per individual client to meet their specific needs throughout the calendar year. Whether it’s bi-weekly, quarterly, or even yearly, every need is prioritized.

Can you organize my space without me present?

Where there’s a need, there’s a way. I work side-by-side with many clients because organizing is a very personal and psychological process. Some people really want to dig in and do the work, with my help, so they can learn the systems that are getting put in place from the ground up. But not everyone has the time or interest in hanging with me while I sort legos and canned goods so for these clients I am available as a solo act. I still need to be able to have some contact but technology helps with that and when you get home you get the BIG REVEAL. That’s the best part. I am always willing to work with you and find the best way to help that suits everyone’s needs and schedules.

Do I need to clean before the organizing session?

There is a minor To-Do List that will be emailed to you after booking and prior to the session date. Mess Mgmt assists in achieving your organization and productivity goals, but general cleanliness is solely your responsibility. If the project area is inaccessible and hinders our ability to work through the session, we may be forced to reschedule.

Can my dogs/cats/kids be home while we organize?

I love seeing people in their home environment and meeting their entire brood (especially cats), but this is your time to achieve your organizing goals. Your time is valuable. Make sure that your loved ones aren’t a distraction or impediment to your progress. Maybe a baby-sitter or playdate might help in keeping everyone on track during the session. Though if a cat wants to sit on a pile of papers, who am I to stop them?

Do I need to be afraid of pictures of my messy house or stories of our session ending up online?

No way. Not without your written consent and permission. All organizing sessions are done with strict confidentiality and zero judgement. I am here to help you. If I feel your unique story might help others, we will address the possibility of a photo gallery or a review down the line, which can be done anonymously or with using your name—absolutely YOUR choice. Or none at all. I don’t show everyone my garage!

Still have unanswered questions floating around in your brain space? Email me and I’ll respond to the best of my most knowledgeable knowledge.